ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వం ‘స్వర్ణాంధ్ర 2047’ దార్శనిక ప్రణాళికను సిద్ధంచేస్తోంది.        The Andhara Pradesh Gazette Published By Authority (ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ రాజపత్రము)        Guidelines for International arrivals in India, issued by MoHFW and MoCA_GoI        Advisory regarding fake job racket targeting IT skilled youth        Government of India relaxed OCI renewal rules        MEA: RPO, Vijayawada opens Saturday to cater the demand of the Police Clearance Certificate (PCC)        Special Entry Darshan Procedure for NRIs        NRIs_National Pension Scheme(NPS) Info & FAQs        Donations For CMRF       

5 day orientation program for 42 Andhra teachers who got placed at Texas

It’s a 5-day orientation program for 42 teachers who have got selection in Texas state through APNRTS & Acclaim Global Education India Pvt.Ltd, led by faculty members Dr. Denise Shetter and Mr.Paul Armstrong on June 17th at APNRT Office. The purpose of orientation is to bring awareness among selected teachers about the overview of Texas state assessments, Texas essential knowledge & skills,curriculum for each grade level & content prescribed by the state of Texas, classroom management, lesson planning, student data disaggregation, and teaching strategies.